Sami's Circuit  Family Nights

How It Works

Choose one (or all) of the Virtual Livestream Family Nights below:
2024–2025 School Year Family Nights:
Dates: TBD
Bookmark this page and return the day of the event just before 6:00 PM - the "join livestream" link will be updated - just click and you'll be redirected to the livestream!
Wear comfy clothing and have water nearby - Sami's Circuit will get your whole family up & moving, and having FUN! And don't forget - NEVER GIVE UP!
Watch the livestream the whole way through - a secret password will be given out to enter a Raffle Prize for Sami's Circuit Merchandise! Fill out the form (button at bottom of this page) and click "submit" to enter the raffle AFTER the Family Night is complete.
After the Family Night, join Sami on Zoom for a live chat session! Link will be posted in the comments section on YouTube (or use link at top of this page).